This article was created by the team and is provided to help our fellow farmers and ranchers. We would appreciate the opportunity to help with your cattle identification needs!

What is an USDA Premises ID (PIN)?

USDA tags (Official USDA 840 Tags) can be used to satisfy official USDA ID requirements of states and programs that require this method of identification. 

A premises identification number (PIN) or location identifier (LID) is a unique code that is permanently assigned to a single physical location. PIN or LID registration is administered by each state and allows animal health officials to quickly and precisely identify where animals are located in the event of an animal health or food safety emergency.

Using USDA tags requires you to obtain a Federal Premises ID Number (PIN). The PIN is used to link the unique numbers to your ranch in the USDA database and is kept on file at Allflex. The PIN is not printed on the tags. Your state animal health agency can help you obtain a Premises ID Number.

  • Premises ID Numbers are a combination of letters and numbers, usually starting with 00 followed by 5 more characters. Ex: 00AB1C2
  • “ABC Ranch”, “840123123123123”, and addresses are NOT valid.
  • In rare cases, a Location ID (LID), 8 digits starting with the state abbreviation, will suffice for a PIN.
  • USDA tags must ship to the same state where the Premises ID is registered.
  • If you cannot find or do not have a Premises ID, contact the USDA or your state’s Animal Health Commission. Click on this link for a listing of State Animal Health contact information for each state:
  • If you are a Veterinarian ordering for a customer/client you must use your non-producer participant number (NPN) to purchase tags or the tags must be sent directly to the end-user (customer/client). Each non-producer participant obtains an NPN through the premises registration system in the state or territory of the company’s headquarters to receive and distribute AIN devices. *See link above for the state list. The NPN number looks similar to a PIN.