Allflex One-Piece Ear Tags

One-Piece Tags consist of a visual tag with a piercing stem attached that folds behind the animal's ear after application. All font is laser engraved with management codes also having an ink overlay. Allflex offers one tag applicator option for one-piece tags - the yellow ATAG applicator.

Allflex One-Piece Ear Tags

ATag Cow

ATag Cow

  • Good choice for cows and bulls
  • Size: 4.5" high x 3" wide
ATag Calf

ATag Calf

  • Good choice for calves and smaller animals
  • Size 3.875" high x 2.5" wide

Why Allflex Ear Tags?

 Rugged and dependable
Guaranteed for the life of the animal
 Laser-engraved and inked


Contact our Animal ID experts who can help you find the perfect layout or tag for your cattle.