Meet Our Animal ID Experts
Whether you are new to buying cattle tags, you've been buying pre-numbered and blanks for years, or you are a seasoned custom cattle tags user, you may have a few questions as you research your options for visual tags, electronic id tags, and electronic id readers.
Since 1999, we have been helping ranchers utilize technology for cattle management (we also develop the CattleMax cattle software). Along the way, we have worked with thousands of ranchers throughout the world. We've seen what works, what doesn't work, and what needs to be thought through a little more.
One of the biggest things we can help you with is to ask you questions and help you through the answers. Whether you are trying to find the right tag layout or put together an electronic id solution, we can help.
Feel free to provide your details below and we will be glad to discuss your needs in detail.
The CattleMax Team
Operators, The Cattle Tags Store